Walking with the Herons

Today the surf was a fun and clean 3-4, with overcast gray skies and occasional drizzle and light rain. Prior to the rain, I went down to Luscombs to take a few photos of two of our 75-77 year old charging friends that we love. The sky was so gray that there was very little color even on the faces of the waves. The purple cloud eventually caught up with us, and I had to cover the camera and head for the Jeep. I was stoked though, to have seen Mouse, Cossie and Doug catching the biggest waves together on their 9′ and 9’6 boards, sharing the waves smiling, Aloha style. This beautiful, but very gray day, had me yearning for some color, so here it is, Walking with the Herons. . .

On the November cycle of the moon, we had some beautiful minus tide evenings with clear skies, glassy conditions and tiny waves. I was happy to get the cameras out a few times to photograph the tide pools and life along the shore before dusk. I walked and stood quietly, so as not to disturb the elegant birds as they fished. ‘So blessed!

Love and Aloha!

Heron eye to eye, photo: Cher Pendarvis

Great Blue Heron, eye to eye

Heron stalking

Heron stalking

Heron flying to the next reef

Heron flying to the next reef

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