The Power of the Flower

Hi there. Steve made a sweet new 5’4″ x 17.75″ EPS Pendo for our grand niece Brooke who is very stoked on surfing. Brooke requested blue flowers on the deck and bottom, and it was fun to paint them for her. Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

Steve, Jeremy and Brooke discuss the dimensions

Steve draws a special template for Brooke's new Pendo

Steve and Brooke with the cut out blank

Great Auntie Cher painting Brooke's new board

Brooke & Great Uncle Steve with Brooke's new Pendo

Brooke, Great Uncle Steve and Auntie Cher with Brooke's new Pendo

Brooke carving backside on her current Pendo, photo by Michelle Young. Great photo Michelle! Wow, Go Brooke!!

Jeremy, Michelle, Brady and Brooke. Beautiful family, love and Aloha xoxo

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2 Comments on "The Power of the Flower"

  1. Michelle Young
    27/10/2013 at 12:38 pm Permalink

    Great post! Thank you so much! She loves her new board!! You’re both so talented!! xoxo

  2. pendo
    27/03/2014 at 10:48 pm Permalink

    Dear Michelle,
    Thank you so much! Brooke is ripping on her new board. We are stoked and so proud of her!
    Love, Steve and Cher xo

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