The new 8’4 Pendoflex twin fin for Max

Hey, oh! Here’s the beautiful new 8’4 Pendoflex twin fin that Steve built for Max, painted with the colors of a Santa Ana sunset. Max and his family live near PV, where he loves to surf the cove and beachies up that way. He also enjoys yearly adventures to Costa Rica.

Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

Max and Steve with the new 8'4 twin fin

Max and Steve with the new 8'4 twin fin

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One Comment on "The new 8’4 Pendoflex twin fin for Max"

  1. Festus Porkmeyer
    15/04/2010 at 1:39 pm Permalink

    What a sweet outline. And paint job.

Hi Stranger, leave a comment:


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