Tales from Costa Rica

Yesterday our friend Jay T. called from Costa Rica to tell us about the south swell that he says is headed our way. He’s had some stoking days on his new green quad fish Pendoflex. . . fun head high surf at the beach break and over head surf at the river mouth rock reef. Jay’s stoked to be flying down the line at the beach break and at his favorite reef. The river mouth rock reef is the spot of choice on the bigger days, that is, until they saw a 10 foot crocodile swimming in the line up. The big croc took a dive and came up with a fish in its mouth. Jay says this is a very rare sighting, but he and his friend decided to surf another break for the remainder of the swell. Have fun guys. . . keep an eye peeled for the crocs and stay safe. Thanks for sharing your stoke! Cowa-flexit!


Ben with his new Pendoflex fish twinzer, and Jay's new green quad, and Steve with Mike's archtail quad

Ben with his new Pendoflex fish twinzer, and Jay's new green quad, and Steve with the family archtail quad

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