Tag Archive > kneemachine

6’0″ Pendoflex Paipo Flyer

Hi, there! Steve built two fast Pendoflex paipo flyers for our strapping 75 year old friend, a 6’0″ and a 6’4.” Here are photos of the 6’0.” He’s been all smiles and flying fast on the recent swells! Thank you Sergio and Southern hemis for the fun waves!! Aloha and Cowa-flexit! Steve and Cher

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Mr. TX Pendoflexing Maui

Hi, there. Here is Mr. TX Pendoflexing at Honolua Bay! Stoked! Thank you Ted for sharing your great photos with us. You’re flying! Cowa-flexit! Aloha, Steve and Cher

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Blue Moon and blue Pendoflex kneemachine

Hi there! The Blue Moon set over the ocean was beautiful this morning. This afternoon Steve finished this sweet, blue Pendoflex double-winger knee machine Fish for Mr. B. This magic 5’8″ x 21 inch-wide double-winger four fin Fish is built with hand-crafted care by Steve. Take good care, Cowa-flexit!

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