Sweet 6’2″ Pendoflex high aspect fish

Hi there. Here’s the beautiful Pendoflex high aspect fish that Steve shaped for Mr. G.L. After shaping, Steve painted Greg’s board with cheerful, warm yellows and oranges, with hints of the ocean. This morning the gorgeous color in the clouds at sunrise was a blessing to behold. We hope that you have a beautiful day. Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

The paint is dry, time to pull the tape!

Steve with the new Pendoflex high aspect twin fish

Look up to where our Hope comes from

Sunrise clouds and shore mist, looking north

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3 Comments on "Sweet 6’2″ Pendoflex high aspect fish"

  1. Bruce
    25/04/2011 at 11:58 am Permalink

    mind blowing!

  2. Greg Lantz
    28/04/2011 at 4:33 pm Permalink

    yeah! so excited. 🙂

  3. pendo
    30/04/2011 at 12:59 pm Permalink

    Thanks for your stoke, Bruce, keep smil’n!

    Hi Greg, your board is now glassed and hotcoated, and Steve will make the wood fins next. We’ll be in touch, soon. Thanks for your note! Aloha, Cher and Steve

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