Published Photography in The Surfer’s Path #78 and #75

We have long appreciated The Surfer’s Path for its editorial content and beauty. The current issue of The Surfer’s Path (#78, June/July 2010) features a great article by Andrew Smith about the talented surfer-shaper Daniel Thomson, titled Of Chance and Choosing. Cher appreciated shooting portraits of Daniel with his boards and shaping to accompany the story. Other photographers are Billy Watts, Hilton Dawe and Andrew Shield.

Opening spread with BW Daniel portrait

Daniel Thomson, taken with the old medium format film camera

Tomo templating, shot with the DSLR and 17-40mm lens

Daniel balancing a favorite board, shot with the old medium format film camera

Here is a link to Andrew’s blog:

A few issues back in The Surfer’s Path #75, Richard Kenvin has a beautiful photo essay that is designed by David Carson. Here are two of Cher’s photos that were published in conjunction with the piece. Other photographers are: Scott Sullivan, Patrick Trefz, Ryan Field, Dave Frankel and John Slavin.

Richard flying off the lip at Windansea on his 6'9" Skipper long fish

Here, Richard carves a powerful bottom turn on the 9' Balsa Simmons replica that Joe Bauguess built for us. This board was glassed at Diamond Glassing.

Here is a link to RK’s blog:

Here is a link to the film project web site:

You can see more samples of Cher’s photography here:

and here:

Thanks, everyone! Aloha!

The Surfer’s Path web site is:

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3 Comments on "Published Photography in The Surfer’s Path #78 and #75"

  1. Bruce Cowan
    22/06/2010 at 8:59 am Permalink

    Great work Cher!

  2. pendo
    26/06/2010 at 7:17 pm Permalink

    Hi, Bruce,
    Thank you for checking out the work, and for your comment.
    Aloha, Cher

  3. Sand Sock Girl
    12/07/2010 at 1:39 am Permalink

    Great shots Cher! I so love the photos 🙂

Hi Stranger, leave a comment:


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