Hello, there on this blustery, rainy Wednesday. Here’s Hanky Warner and Steve Pendo packing up two Hanky’s and two Pendos that will be shipped to Jack’s Ocean Sports in Japan. “Soundtrack CENSORED… not for the faint of heart. . .” says Mr. B. B. Hahaha. . . more to come on the boards later. . .
Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

In progress shot of the special custom Pendoflex Rubber Ducky for Cho San. Steve built twin birch keels for this beauty.
22/12/2010 at 6:57 pm Permalink
If the stature of the packing crew on these is any indicator, these boards will arrive in Japan unscathed and in high style. THANKS again Hank and Pendo!!
28/12/2010 at 12:45 pm Permalink
Thank you for your kind words.