Here’s a few of the Pendoflex boards that will be at the Patagonia Cardiff store later this week! We are stoked and honored to build these boards for Patagonia Cardiff. The three boards shown here are all special, hand-shaped EPS, with epoxy glassing. Thanks for being online to check this out. Stay tuned for photos of the other boards, to come.
Come by the store and check them out!
Thanks, Devon, Jon and crew. . .
Patagonia Cardiff
2185 San Elijo Ave
Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 92007
phone: (760) 634-9886
fax: (760) 632-8623

Pendoflex Chaser 5'9 twin, hand-shaped EPS

Pendoflex Mercury 6'3 quad, hand-shaped EPS

Pendoflex Hullabaloo 6'9 single fin, hand-shaped EPS
28/10/2009 at 8:32 am Permalink
Wow, really beautiful examples!
28/10/2009 at 11:40 am Permalink
Hey, Bruce,
Thanks so much! So stoked.
Aloha, Cher and Steve
28/10/2009 at 8:01 pm Permalink
The Hullabaloo single fin outline looks interesting. I would like to see more on the fin placement and rocker profile/thickness. Also, I would imagine there is more of a eco approach to these boards given they were built for Patagonia? What kind of foam was used? Is it the same foam you mentioned in a video I recently came across? Cool your working with Patagonia.
28/10/2009 at 10:14 pm Permalink
Hey there Mikael, Steve here, Thanks for the thoughts. Yes the grouping of boards are all epoxy with 6oz with 4oz patch bottoms. The decks are all 4oz patch up all most to center with 6oz S cloth and 6oz E cloth full length with double lap wraps around the rails. They should be able to take a fair amount of punishment. In short, built to last. Combined with the 2.2lb EPS they end up having the feeling of a pu board of 4oz build. The template is a tried and true egg with a little arc tail, it has a 3/8″ parabolic (ie hull) type bottom with a good edge in the tail. A single fin box no side bites with a 7.5″ albacore single fin is what is installed. I have it set at 8-1/4″. I have the box set so that a 9″ True Ames flexer could still be used. Oh and the board is 2-1/4″ thin skin blade with just a bit more of a contemporary rail, not quite toooo knifey. Out for now Steve
Cowaflexit !!!
29/10/2009 at 3:26 pm Permalink
Whoo hooo. mercury quad… mmm mmm mmm.
29/10/2009 at 9:37 pm Permalink
Hey, Rob,
Thanks for checking out the board photos! and mmm mmm mmm. . .
Whoo hoo!
12/11/2009 at 11:19 pm Permalink
Arggh. Which possessions do I sell? And once that’s done, do I go for the Mercury or the Hullabaloo? Or something completely different?
It was fun trading peelers and stories with you, Cher, although your double-claim after that 10-point ride did seem a little out of character. Ha.
13/11/2009 at 12:12 am Permalink
Hi, Festus,
Thanks for your post, it was fun surfing with you, too.
Hmmm, the Mercury would do nicely for winter. . . and the Hullabaloo is fun, too!
Hands over head after a long ride=”high tens to God,” giving thanks. I’m so grateful to be surfing and I appreciate the energy of every wave that we ride.
Steve says Hello!
Aloha, Cher
14/11/2009 at 12:46 am Permalink
Amen to everything you wrote, Cher, though I sure wouldn’t have faulted you for throwing up a fist pump. Maybe just a quick one? To complement the high tens? Grom style?
Festus Jr. says Steve is the only person over age 4 who is genuinely interesting to listen to or watch. Especially when Steve’s hopping around on his tailgate — in boxer shorts, of course — re-enacting the day’s mat rider vs. boil section struggles. When Steve gets to the main action, the part where he forsakes the high line for a casual drift to the bottom of the wave, only to effortlessly shoot past the boil, he shares his epiphany: “I did just the opposite, man! Just the opposite.”
Festus Jr. loves this story and its animated teller. He is smiling, completely transfixed, while Dada’s sighing with relief: Our funky subculture continues to flourish.
Thanks, Pendos, for being so damn colorful.
16/11/2009 at 9:31 pm Permalink
surfing is about the stoke and being thankful for each wave. . .
Thanks for your post,
A big High 5 to Festus Jr.
Aloha, Cher and Steve
03/12/2009 at 6:55 am Permalink
nice board, how can i buy it
04/12/2009 at 3:55 am Permalink
Hi, John,
The boards on this post are available at Patagonia Cardiff.
Cher and Steve
04/12/2009 at 9:40 pm Permalink
Thanks for your interest in Steve’s boards.
Where are you located, and which board are you interested in? Please email us for details, Patagonia can probably ship the board you like.