Mat riding is tons of fun!

We’ve been riding our Fourth Gear Flyers and having tons of fun. Here’s photo of Steve and a little movie of him riding his 4GF Fatty.

Thanks for checking out the post. Keep smil’n!

Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

Foamy wave

Steve Pendo on his Fourth Gear Flyer, tons of fun! from Cher Pendarvis on Vimeo.

Each Fourth Gear Flyer is made by hand by Paul Gross.
You can learn more about the 4GF mats at

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4 Comments on "Mat riding is tons of fun!"

  1. Festus Porkmeyer
    06/06/2010 at 11:53 pm Permalink

    Yes. Embrace the matness.

    There is no cure
    for the mat fever
    that’s sweeping the shore.
    The best you can do
    is to go slide a few.
    Then you go slide a few more.

    P.S.: I, too, prefer the online poetry of Craig Klein.

  2. Liz
    08/06/2010 at 1:07 am Permalink

    What a fun video – I can’t believe how fast he goes!! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. pendo
    08/06/2010 at 12:35 pm Permalink

    Hey, Festus!
    Thanks for your really cool poem, now we’ve got to go slide a few more!


  4. pendo
    08/06/2010 at 1:23 pm Permalink

    Hi, Lizzie!
    Thanks for checking out the little film of Steve.
    haha, faster, faster, faster!
    Warm Aloha, and Cowa-flexit, too!

Hi Stranger, leave a comment:


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