Steve, Fourth Gear Flyer, at PB
South wind dribble on 08/07/09, in the lee of the Crystal Pier. The Fourth Gear Flyer is tons of fun!
15 August 2009 By pendo 6 In Uncategorized
Steve, Fourth Gear Flyer, at PB
South wind dribble on 08/07/09, in the lee of the Crystal Pier. The Fourth Gear Flyer is tons of fun!
16/08/2009 at 10:15 am Permalink
I defy anyone who’s never ridden a mat to try one and then deny that it’s a total blast!
16/08/2009 at 11:05 am Permalink
Hey, Sister, thanks! Yeah, a total blast, and such a great workout, too. The sensitivity to the wave, and flat out speed is amazing.
Aloha, Cowa-flexit!
16/08/2009 at 12:35 pm Permalink
go flex-luthor go…………
16/08/2009 at 9:02 pm Permalink
Yoba, Shawn that’s, lex, to you laddy. Hope all is well, out for now, sp.
26/08/2009 at 6:48 pm Permalink
Was out at the cliffs this morning, as I was walking down the trail I saw these two guys with one of your boards just fondling the thing and of course I wanted to touch it lovingly as well but held back. I paddled out on a Holly Fish to see you on your mat lovin’ it. It’s fate, I must have a PendoFlex of my own to privately fondle.
26/08/2009 at 6:57 pm Permalink
Hey, Tubesearcher,
Thanks for your post. . . we look forward to hearing from you, via phone or email. ‘Stoked you enjoyed some waves today, too!