Love and mercy for our Japanese friends

This morning we woke to news of the devastating 8.9 earthquake in Japan. We are keeping good thoughts and prayers for everyone affected by the earthquake and tsunamis in Japan and around the Pacific. Here is one of our favorite art works by the legendary Japanese woodcut artist Hokusai.

Much love, Cher and Steve

Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai

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2 Comments on "Love and mercy for our Japanese friends"

  1. Steve PP
    16/03/2011 at 8:28 am Permalink

    Good thoughts! , and one of my favourite pictures too.
    Cher, I loved your article on Steve Lis in the latest Journal.
    Interesting that the photo of his latest quiver shows him with mostly four and five fins!
    I’ve just recently turned on to Quads, great fun!

    Have a good day!

  2. pendo
    23/03/2011 at 3:24 pm Permalink

    Hi, Steve, thank you for kind thoughts. And thank you for your kind words about the Surfer’s Journal article for/about Stevie Lis. It was wonderful to work on this article with our long-time friend. He has brought us all much joy with his Fish and other designs for decades, and when thinking about the waves we have shared, it brings smiles.
    Much Aloha, Cher

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