Look up to where Hope comes from

Hey, there! When we walked this week many spring wild flowers were opening and the California sage was fresh and aromatic. We thought of our friends’ little girl named Sage, such a blessing. In the busy lives we have today, it’s so important to take time to breathe and enjoy the beauty that is all around us . . . we are grateful.

“Lift your eyes on high, and see who has created these things. . .”

Isaiah 40:26

Cloud lines are Heavenly

Slender sunflowers

Aromatic sage

Lavender light with swells

Look up!

Thank you for visiting. Another storm is approaching, which means time for making art and painting and we may also be walking in the rain. . . . Have a good end of the week, take good care, God bless you.

Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

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