Let’s Hang Together

Surfindian is doing a fundraiser for Japan earthquake relief this coming Saturday evening, April 2, 6-10 pm. There will be a live auction of surfboards and art, raffle, live music, food and drinks. The event is free to attend and donations are welcomed. Please come help us show the world that we care about our brothers and sisters, and their children, in Japan.

With love, we are honored to donate two matted and framed medium-format, silver halide print photographs. Skip graciously gave his blessing for us to donate a print of a portrait that I took of him drawing his wings, titled “Skip’s Wings.” He is drawing the wings on a personal 12-footer that is the 1200’th board that he has shaped at his current shop. The day we shot this photograph the surf was huge and Little Y, Indicator and La Jolla Cove were breaking. We enjoyed a wonderful visit and time with the photos. This photograph was published in The Surfer’s Path #79 in support of Andrew Smith‘s article about Skips’ longer boards “Expanding the Field, in the Connection Sector with Skip Frye.” The second piece is titled “Fishy Tree.” This photograph shows some of our favorite foam and balsa rides, Flipper, 6’10” Geppy fish Pendoflex; Leopard Spots, 6’10” chambered balsa high aspect fish built by Mike Casey, Steve and Cher; Firecracker, 5’4″ chambered balsa fish built by Mike Casey, Steve and Cher and 5’2″ Apricot Lis fish that Stevie built in 1970. This photograph was taken with thanks for the joy of riding the boards. Surfing is a gift and every wave is a prayer.

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