Give ’em a Pendoflex!

Give 'em a Pendoflex

Thanks for the bitchen art, Harvey!

Here are Harvey and Steve with the beautiful new Pendoflex knee machine that Steve built for him. Mr. H. kindly shared a story about his first sessions on his new board:

“Went out at “Shoe” this morning. Every wave was a late drop. Got 2 air drops. Didn’t blow any of them. This board is magic, it just sort’a curves right into the face of the waves. First one I thought it was just luck. I was starting to stick all of them. This board is giving me all kinds of confidence, so no telling what’s going to happen after I get “used to it.” Please pass this on to Steve. Love you guys, Aloha……….’H’ the happy kneeboarder.”

Aloha, and Cowa-flexit!

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