Day Date!

Hey, there! We hope that you are having a great day. Yesterday Steve came home around lunchtime and I was working on an art project. He proposed that we take a break and go on a “Day Date,” pick up our favorite sandwiches at Poma’s Deli in Ocean Beach and have a picnic. So stoked! The weather has been warm and beautiful these last few days and it’s nice to get out and enjoy it. After picking up our lunch, we drove to our favorite picnic perch on the hill in Azure Vista. At noon it was about 85° and sunny with just a light breeze, so pleasant!

Today is another gorgeous day. This morning I went for a paddle on “L.T.” the 7’7″ Fish Simmons from dear Skipper, and caught a few fun small waves. The kelp is growing vigorous and strong again and I spotted a few kelp bass and a Garribadi in the clear water. Many pelicans were cruising and fishing, and as they swooped low on a fly by, I could hear the breeze whispering through the feathers on their wings. What a gift!

We are thankful for each day. Take good care and remember the Love.

Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

Poma's Italian Deli in Ocean Beach

Steve's capicola and provolone warm from Poma's, wow!

Poma's turkey and swiss, warm. . . mmm!

Grateful for the beautiful, warm day

Beautiful textures and blooms

Poppies & Pricklies

Slender sunflowers

Picnic view

May flowers and the sea

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