Custom surfboards built by Steve Pendarvis, San Diego, CA
6’3″ Pendoflex Winger Swallow for Scotty
7’11” Pendoflex Panther for Mr. T.
New EPS Pendoflex Panther for Dr. Dave
Pendoflex 7’2″ Ulua, EPS and epoxy
Sweet 6’6″ Pendoflex rounded diamond for Troy
Sweet 6’9″ Pendoflex Ulua tri-fin
Baltic Birch tri fins by Steve Pendarvis, 6’9″ Ulua
Steve and Jamie Mitchell with Jamie’s board
Sweet swallow tail Pendoflex for MM in NYC
El Sarape, 5’8″ swallow for Mr. Irwin
Custom Pendoflex swallow tail for Mr. R.P.
Rob’s new Pendoflex performance thruster
Chapman, Ricky and SP with Chappy’s new board
Scotty’s new Pendoflex for the Island adventures
Kenzie and her winger swallowtail
Scott’s new Pendoflex rounded pin
Pendoflex Panther California gun
Little Pendoflex thumbtail for Nick
Fun little Pendoflex thumbtail!
Geno’s 8’0″ Pendoflex roundtail funboard
Troy’s magic diamond tail Pendoflex
Danny, Steve and Lyle, Lyle’s Pendoflex
Eric O with his racey Pendoflex tri fin
M’Tussie’s Pendoflex double wing tri fin, Pendorific! paint
Mike and SP, 6’8 wing swallow tri fin