Blue streaker 101 for Jay

This Friday afternoon, Jay stopped by to pick up his new 10′1″ Pendoflex. This 10’1″ design is a rounded pin with a slightly pointed nose, aptly named “the 101.” The 101 has plenty of paddle, trim and glide for summer fun, or big facie winter waves. Cowa-flexit!


Jay and SP, with Jays Blue Streaker 101

Jay and Steve, with Jay's Blue Streaker 101

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2 Comments on "Blue streaker 101 for Jay"

  1. cloudy
    07/08/2009 at 11:05 pm Permalink

    Stop it…I want one of those too………beautiful boards…

  2. pendo
    08/08/2009 at 6:24 pm Permalink

    Hey, Cloudy, thanks for the hubba on Jay’s new 101. And thanks for the photos you sent of your Cloudy slider. ‘Give us call. Cowa-flexit!

Hi Stranger, leave a comment:


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