Hello there! Since the 1960s we’ve loved surfing with our knee-rider friends here in San Diego and thereabouts . . . memories of surfing points north in the early days, and seeing George Greenough riding his spoons, matts and other craft also come to mind. The knee-riders have always pushed the limits of wave riding and are inspirations. A few years back, Stevie Lis introduced us to Steen Barnes and Robert Harwood, two multi-talented Australian knee-riders and great friends. And we were stoked when Steen ordered boards from Steve. Steve built two incredible Pendoflex wave riding crafts for Steen.
Thank you Steen for sending the beautiful photos of you with your Pendoflexes and shots of you surfing. Thanks too, for sharing your exciting photos of Chayne Simpson and Simon Farrer and the shot of current World Champion Albert Munoz with his collection of knee machines. We’re stoked to see Steen’s beautiful knee-riding photo of Albert Munoz featured on the cover of the new Surfer’s Journal and the nice article by Ted Endo featuring Australian knee-riding friends. Check out legless.tv for great knee-riding stories, photos and videos. A nice interview with Steen is just up today on Korduroy.tv In fact this week is knee-riding week at Korduroy.tv Yeewww! Check ’em out!
Congratulations, Stoked for you all!
Aloha and Cowa-flexit!
24/01/2012 at 9:06 am Permalink
I love kneeboarding,love my Pendoflex Quad Fish.
I body surfed when I was a kid down in Mission Beach. One day I saw a guy riding a kneeboard. It looked so cool to me. That was 1971. “I have to do that” I said to my friends. Still Kneeride’in………..
Thank you,Steve&Cher