Sweet new Ulua for spring and summer

Hi, there. Steve shaped a gorgeous new Pendoflex Ulua for spring and we had fun drawing the template together. This swallowtail is 7’2″ x 2.625″ and will have a quad fin setup. . . dreaming of the color scheme for her now. She’s looking forward to the long interval southwest swells of the season to come. We are grateful for each day. God bless you. Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

South wind breezy morning at the OB pier

Sweet 7'2" Ulua

Beautiful Irises in the garden

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3 Comments on "Sweet new Ulua for spring and summer"

  1. Dirty Hippy
    07/04/2011 at 1:18 pm Permalink

    Looks like a fun ride!

  2. Bruce
    07/04/2011 at 4:48 pm Permalink

    Really nice outline! The south swells have already begun and we are due for a regulation summer. Warm days and good surf!

  3. pendo
    07/04/2011 at 4:56 pm Permalink

    Hi, Bruce, thank you very much. . . there was a fun sw here this morning, but windy. . . we’re looking forward to the warmth and fun summer waves too. Take care, Cher and Steve

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