Celebration of Life, part 3

On Sunday March 27th 2011, World Champion surfer Jimmy Blears was laid to rest in the waters of Waikiki where he first saw the ocean as a young boy. Uncle Val Ching made a special Ipu Moe in loving honor for Jimmy. Here are photos of Jimmy’s memorial kindly shared by friends and family. Aloha nui loa, Jimmy. . .

Rest in peace, Jimmy. Photo of display courtesy Daniel Almonte

Jimmy Blears and Clyde Aikau, photo of display courtesy Daniel Almonte

Jimmy Blears, photo of display courtesy Daniel Almonte

Family and friends honor Jimmy with love. Photo courtesy Uncle Val Ching

The beautiful Ipu Moe made with love for Jimmy by Uncle Val Ching

Flowers for Jimmy, photo courtesy Uncle Val Ching

The paddle out for Jimmy at San Souci, photo courtesy Daniel Almonte

Blue Makua steering Jimmy's canoe, photo courtesy Daniel Almonte

Jimmy's canoe with family, Laura with Ipu, photo courtesy Daniel Almonte

Circle of love, prayers and flowers for Jimmy, photo courtesy Daniel Almonte

God bless you. Aloha nui loa, Jimmy. . .

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3 Comments on "Celebration of Life, part 3"

  1. steiny
    03/04/2011 at 11:28 pm Permalink

    thank you, very touching and sweet

  2. Dirty Hippy
    04/04/2011 at 1:14 pm Permalink

    Beautiful tribute! Aloha!

  3. pendo
    06/04/2011 at 9:17 pm Permalink

    Thank you, Steiny

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