Kurungabaa! interview by Jamie Watson

Kurungabaa cover, Vol. 3, No. 1, July 2010

A Journal of literature, history and ideas from the sea, Kurungabaa is non-profit publication published quarterly by the generosity of subscribers and donors. This issue is filled with wonderful essays, interviews, photographs and poetry.

Kurungabaa contents

In 2009, I was touched and honored when Jamie Watson asked if she could interview me (thank you, Jamie). Jamie is a gifted artist, writer and surfer who lives in San Francisco. Jamie came up with questions that helped draw out wonderful memories and history, and the three-part interview was featured on her popular blog Pineappleluv on Thanksgiving weekend last November. Later, her friend Rebecca Olive a talented surfing lady and writer in Australia, enjoyed it and proposed it to her editor at Kurungabaa. It is a wonderful honor to be included in this fine publication. It is a pleasure to know Rebecca, check out her blog Making Friends with the Neighbors.

Thanks to James McMillan (who has a lovely poem in this issue) for the image of the Contents from his blog, A Big Miracle. His stoked post inspired mine.  And thanks to Jamie for the photos of the story pages from your Pineappleluv. I can be shy about posting things related to myself, but a sincere “thank you” is in order. I am very happy to be a part of this. . .

We hear that this issue has gone into a second printing, so please support the publication. Here is the link: Kurungabaa

Thank you for reading.

Love and Aloha to all!

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2 Comments on "Kurungabaa! interview by Jamie Watson"

  1. Rebecca
    30/09/2010 at 1:33 am Permalink

    Stoked to have you and Jamie involved, and stoked to know you too!!

  2. pendo
    10/12/2010 at 2:30 pm Permalink

    Aww, Bec, thank you. And we hope to surf NSW with you someday, and here as well. Aloha!

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