Completing the 6’7 high aspect fish, glassing and making fins

Sometimes family projects take awhile to complete, because it’s all about the love. The 6’7 Geppie-inspired high aspect fish was shaped by Cher on August 21, 2009. Here are a few photos of the shaping and the completion of the board.

Several visual memories inspired the painting: The water flowing along through the reef where we live, when the water pulls out before the next wave, the eel grass on the reef, and the California gold of the cliffs and beach sand. Cher painted the board with acrylic paint directly on the foam, using big brushes and a large sponge. After painting, the next task was to laminate and hotcoat the new board, make the fins, glass the fins on and sand the board.

‘So excited and grateful to be able to build my own board again, start to finish. Thanks Steve, for your encouragement, and for sharing this wonderful experience with me. So stoked to ride it soon!

Cowa-flexit! Love and Aloha!

Cutting template

Cutting template

Smoothing the rail bands

Smoothing the rail bands

Professor Steve and shaper Cher with the finished shape

Steve and shaper Cher with the finished shape

The 6'7 is painted

The 6'7 is painted

Squeegeeing the bottom

Squeegeeing the bottom

Tucking the rails

Tucking the rails

She's hotcoated!

The new board is hotcoated!

Fin templates cut!

We used beautiful 7 ply Baltic birch plywood for the fins and cut out the templates using a jig saw

The fins are foiled!

The fins are foiled! We used a standard double foil on the fins

Laying up cloth on one of the fins

Laying up cloth on one of the fins
Painting resin on the fin and allowing for a nice bead

Painting resin on the fin and allowing for a nice bead

Cher's 6'7 Pendoflex high aspect fish

Cher's 6'7 Pendoflex high aspect fish

The bottom of the high aspect fish

The bottom of the high aspect fish

The birch fins have nice beads.

The birch fins have nice beads, Whooo-ti-hoooo!

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9 Comments on "Completing the 6’7 high aspect fish, glassing and making fins"

  1. Bruce Cowan
    30/03/2010 at 10:00 am Permalink

    Cher, thats a great board!

  2. Dale Solomonson
    30/03/2010 at 3:43 pm Permalink

    Cher… awesome board, very beautiful. Great photos!

  3. pendo
    31/03/2010 at 10:25 am Permalink

    Hello, Bruce, thank you for your kind comment! Can’t wait to ride it.
    Sending you and your family lots of Aloha!
    Cowa-flexit, Cher and Steve

  4. pendo
    31/03/2010 at 10:31 am Permalink

    Hi, Dale, thanks for visiting our website and for your very kind words about my new board and the photos. Steve has a great eye and took the photos of me working. We’re looking forward to riding the new board when the surf cleans up. Have a great day. Cowa-flexit!
    Warm Aloha,
    Cher and Steve

  5. jenifer duffy
    03/04/2010 at 9:05 pm Permalink

    hi cher, i love the photos/words of your board building. i have always wanted to do that. so nice to stumble on this site. think of you guys all the time. would like to see some of the balsas some time.

    jenifer and rob duffy

  6. pendo
    03/04/2010 at 10:41 pm Permalink

    Hi, Jenifer, it’s so nice to hear from you. Thanks for visiting our site and for your kind comments. We would love to see you when you come to SD. It’s been a long time, we think of you guys often, too!
    Take good care. Aloha, Cher

  7. Festus Porkmeyer
    15/04/2010 at 1:33 pm Permalink

    Beautiful indeed. Thanks for the step-by-step report.

    Dale: I’ve been racking up tons of miles and smiles lately on the (what is it now? 7-, 8-year-old?) Neumatic. Built to last. Thanks again.

  8. pendo
    15/04/2010 at 2:02 pm Permalink

    Hey Festus, thanks for taking a look at the new board building and for your kind words. Looking forward to seeing you surfing, soon.

    Dale: Steve and I have seen the Festus flying on the Nuematic. . . hoo-ti-hoo! Cowa-flexit!


  9. Mason
    17/04/2010 at 5:46 pm Permalink

    I really enjoyed this photo sequence, thanks for sharing!


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