Here’s a special 8’4″ high aspect twin fin Pendoflex Hullabaloo for Max.

8'4 swallowtail twin fin Pendoflex Hullabaloo

A sweet foil on this one!
Here’s a special 8’4″ high aspect twin fin Pendoflex Hullabaloo for Max.
8'4 swallowtail twin fin Pendoflex Hullabaloo
A sweet foil on this one!
27/01/2010 at 9:34 am Permalink
a fine pendo-flexy foil indeed!
27/01/2010 at 10:48 pm Permalink
Oh, man. That thing is the bee’s knees.
31/01/2010 at 4:25 pm Permalink
Hey, Bruce, thanks for your post!
Hope you’re getting some fun waves this weekend.
31/01/2010 at 4:28 pm Permalink
Hey, Festus, it was good to see you and Festus Jr. at low tide this week. Thanks for your comment.