Here we are after six hours of work and fun in the shaping room. With Steve’s encouragement, Cher shaped a 6’7″, 13-3/4″, 20-3/4″, 15-3/4″, Geppie-inspired, high aspect twin fin fish. ‘Quality time together building a family board to ride waves that we love, what a wonderful birthday present. And we were blessed to share fun waves together at our favorite spot in the late afternoon. More photos of this special board are to come. So grateful for the beautiful life that God has blessed us with. Aloha!

Professor Steve and stoked Cher, August 21, 2009
06/09/2009 at 1:25 pm Permalink
Great Birthday present/session
Greater couple!
Keep on charging;
you 2 =1 good family!
08/09/2009 at 11:20 am Permalink
Hey, Makai,
Thanks for your good wishes, much appreciated.
11/09/2009 at 2:34 pm Permalink
Right on, Cher!! As one of the women used to yell at me in training rides when I’d motor off the front of the pack when I raced bicycles, “Woo woo!! Girl power!”
13/09/2009 at 12:10 pm Permalink
Hey Sister! thanks for your hubba, Whoo-hoo!
She is now painted, and I’m looking forward to glassing and making the wood fins. I’ll post some pics, soon. ‘Hope you catch some fun ones on the swell!
Cowaflexit Aloha,