4’6″ Pendoflex Rubber Rubber Ducky

Here’s the new Pendoflex Rubber Rubber Ducky. Steve built similar rubber-flexy flyers in the 1970s and was stoked to build us a new one. Looking forward!

Cowa-flexit! Aloha!

Pendoflex Rubber Rubber Ducky

Pendoflex Rubber Rubber Ducky

Pendoflex Rubber Rubber Ducky 2

Pendoflex Rubber Rubber Ducky in the painting room

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2 Comments on "4’6″ Pendoflex Rubber Rubber Ducky"

  1. Mr Salty
    03/02/2010 at 6:05 pm Permalink

    I want it!

  2. pendo
    03/02/2010 at 7:31 pm Permalink

    Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Mr. Salty, Steve here, yeah this thing has a skeletal core, and is the same 54″ as the rubber ducky that is a hard core soft deck Pendoflex. It is however swimming area friendly ping pong ball fun for all! Out for now Steve

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