Archive > February 2011

Beautiful new 8’5″ Pendoflex for Mr. J. A.

Hi, there! Steve built this gorgeous three-stringer, hand-shaped EPS 8’5″ Pendoflex glider for Mr. J. A. After shaping, Steve glassed it with epoxy. Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

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Look up to where Hope comes from

Hey, there! When we walked this week many spring wild flowers were opening and the California sage was fresh and aromatic. We thought of our friends’ little girl named Sage, such a blessing. In the busy lives we have today, it’s so important to take time to breathe and enjoy the beauty that is all […]

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Check out the SurfMatters blog by Paul Gross for stoke, entertaining reading and fun! A big thank you to Ken McKnight and Lance Smith for the photo of Pendo, and to Paul Gross for the post. Hey-di-ho to Steiny, too. Cowa-flexit and Aloha.

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Was Uh-oh, now it’s Let’s go!

Kenny snapped his favorite Pendoflex on a knarly  left-hander, so Steve built him a beautiful new board. . .

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Lift your eyes on high

“Lift your eyes on high, and see who has created these things. . .” Isaiah 40:26 Each day that we wake, we are grateful for the life that we are blessed to live. Thank you for visiting; we hope you have a beautiful day, God bless you.

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“My stoke runneth over. A blessed life indeed.”

Hello, there! Steve built Mr. F.P. a beautiful new Pendoflex, painted with natural colors of sage and buck wheat. Mr. F.P. has been sharing reports of “fast and lively” stoke: “My stoke runneth over. A blessed life indeed.” Thanks for sharing your stoke, we’re smil’n too! Aloha and Cowa-flexit!

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A Sky of Blue and a Sea of Green, part two

This week we made a little road trip to Santa Barbara to spend time with friends and see Jack McCoy’s new film a Deeper Shade of Blue. This is a great film with engaging stories and exquisite photography. We are stoked for Jack, Garth and everyone who worked with them. Congratulations! Here’s a little shot […]

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Sky of Blue, and Sea of Green

We all live in a Yellow Submarine. . . From the Beatles Yellow Submarine, thank you. Aloha! Wise words. . . All you need is Love! Love is all we need. . .

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